Barcelona, the Gothic Quarter - 01

by AM FineArtPrints
Barcelona, the Gothic Quarter - 01
AM FineArtPrints
Painting - Painting
Barcelona, the Gothic Quarter - 01
The beautiful neighbourhood known as the Gothic Quarter is so called because it used to be the Roman village and thus has some remnants of its glorious past. These days because of the constant modernization it is easy to spot an ancient building right next to one built in the 90s. It is this mix of old and new that brings people from all over the world to stay in the Gothic Quarter.
The narrow, winding streets create quite a labyrinth and means that it may take a while to get your bearings. I recommend that you should always look up and around you or you may miss some of the best bits.
The Gothic quarter has many peaceful squares (plaças) where you can relax and enjoy your surroundings. However one of the main attractions, right in the heart of the district is the huge Cathedral which has a stunning courtyard full of plants and oddly, geese. (Source: https://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/)
March 29th, 2022