Medieval Knight - 07
by AM FineArtPrints
Medieval Knight - 07
AM FineArtPrints
Painting - Painting
Medieval Knight - 07 by Andrea Mazzocchetti
The medieval cavalry was a noble class of European society of the Middle Ages, which identified the warriors on horseback to which a sovereign or a gentleman had recognized the title, and the relative ideal of life and code of conduct to which these knights were inspired.
The cavalry followed the evolution that the society, the economy and the military technique had in the Middle Ages, influenced, among other things, by facing the European historical scenario of new populations with new uses and new ways of warring.
It was a slow but constant evolution, sometimes tumultuous coinciding with the arrival of new actors on the battlefields, but always consistent with the changes in the socio-economic context that was its support.
The crisis that struck the free Roman growers of the Republican period struck a blow to the power of the legionary infantry, far more serious and irremediable than the blows suffered by the same by the Knights Parti and Sarmati.
That legionary power that had conquered an empire began to decline with the decadence of that archetype of the Roman man who had been the basis and strength.
December 4th, 2018